Snow falling on the Welcome to Alta sign


Alta is a skier's mountain. Snowboarding is not allowed.

Mountain policy Statements

Equipment Allowed and Restricted (ok and not ok)

Alta Ski Area is for skiers and restricts the use of equipment other than skis for anyone who wants to ride the lifts and ski the mountain or play around the base areas. Skis need to have metal edges, retaining devices and bindings that face forward and attach to alpine or nordic ski boots. Commercially manufactured sit skis are allowed for skier use.

Please leave at home or in your vehicle, equipment that is restricted and prohibited such as snowboards, split boards, snow bikes, ski blades, saucers, lurks or anything longer than a regular ski pole.

Please be courteous and cooperate with Alta employees if you are informed that certain equipment is not allowed.

Essential Eligibility Criteria (You need to be able to independently or with the assistance of a companion be able to do the following:)

  • Get to and from the parking areas
  • Properly put on and take off your ski equipment
  • Get to, and through, the lift mazes and RFID gates
  • Load, ride and unload the lifts safely
  • Ski on appropriate trails and areas, control speed and return to base areas
  • If you fall, get up and continue skiing

Your responsibility code

  1. Always stay in control. You must be able to stop or avoid other people or objects.
  2. People ahead of you have the right-of-way. You must avoid them.
  3. Stop only where you are visible from above and do not restrict traffic.
  4. Look uphill and avoid others before starting downhill or entering a trail.
  5. You must prevent runaway equipment.
  6. Read and obey all signs, warnings, and hazard markings.
  7. Keep off closed trails and out of closed areas.
  8. You must know how and be able to load, ride and unload lifts safely. If you need assistance, ask the lift attendant.
  9. Do not use lifts or terrain when impaired by alcohol or drugs.
  10. If you are involved in a collision or incident, share your contact information with each other and a ski area employee.

Winter sports involve risk of serious injury or death. Your knowledge, decisions and actions contribute to your safety and that of others. If you need help understanding the Code, please ask any ski area employee.

Uphill Travel (The Summer Road and Beyond)

During the ski season when we have 24-hour-a-day operations going on with avalanche mitigation, grooming, maintenance and downhill skiers, the only uphill travel area that we approve is the Summer Road* when it is open. Any other uphill travel is a safety issue for our employees and skiers and interferes with our operations and the product we prepare and sell to our skiers.

*The Summer Road starts at the gate where State Road 210 ends and may be used to access areas outside of our ski area boundaries. Generally, when the Summer Road is closed, you should be able to get to the south-facing slopes above the Town of Alta.

Learn more about Uphill Travel at Alta Ski Area >

Drones and Model Aircraft (Should fly elsewhere)

Because of safety and privacy concerns, Alta Ski Area prohibits the operation or use of unmanned aerial systems or drones (including model aircraft by recreational users and hobbyists) within or above the ski area boundaries without a prior written authorization, which will require unique circumstances that benefit Alta Ski Area. This prohibition includes drones used for filming, as well as any drone use by media or journalists. Please submit any request for prior written authorization to Brandon Ott at or Call 801.799.2263.

Inherent Risks of Skiing (Part of the challenge and the excitement)

The Utah Inherent Risks of Skiing Statute provides that a skier may not make any claim against, or recover from, a ski area operator for injury resulting from inherent risks of skiing, which are listed on trail boards at the ski area and below:

  • Changing weather conditions
  • Snow or ice conditions as the snow or ice conditions exist or may change, including hard pack, powder, packed powder, wind pack, corn, crust, slush, cut-up snow, or machine-made snow
  • Surface or subsurface conditions, including bare spots, forest growth, rocks, stumps, streambeds, cliffs, trees, or other natural objects
  • Variations or steepness in terrain, whether natural or as a result of slope design, snowmaking or grooming operations, or other terrain modifications, including:
    • Terrain parks
    • Terrain features including jumps, rails, or fun boxes
    • All other constructed and natural features, including half pipes, quarter pipes, or freestyle-bump terrain
  • Impact with lift towers, other structures, or their components, including signs, posts, fences or enclosures, hydrants, or water pipes
  • Collisions with other skiers
  • Participation in, or practicing or training for, competitions or special events
  • The failure of a skier to ski within the skier's own ability

Your Season Pass (The pass or card linked to your name & your photo)

Alta prices its season passes and cards on the basis they will only be used by the persons whose photos are linked to them. Your pass should only be used by you.

In fairness to all the skiers who play by the rules, Alta employees monitor pass and card use to identify those skiers who need some encouragement to be more honest about riding Alta lifts.

It is a serious deal if someone, even a family member, uses your pass. Your pass may disappear, your money may disappear (a misuse fee) and sometimes the Town Marshal may appear.

Carrying Things on the Lift Ride (Ski poles are OK!)

Anything other than your ski poles that you want to transport up a lift needs to be in a small or medium size backpack or a waist pack.

Privacy Policy

Alta keeps this privacy statement under regular review. Read here >

Safety and Awareness Tips >